
Det skriver de seks lande om grænsekontrol

Skatteministeriet har offentliggjort svarene på en rundspørge blandt Schengen-landene om grænsekontrol.

Skatteministeriet sendte mandag morgen den 30. maj en rundspørge til Schengen-landene om permanent grænsekontrol. Ministeriet bad om svar samme dag. Konklusionen på rundspørgen var, at seks lande har døgnbemandede grænseovergange.

De seks lande er ifølge ministeriet: Tyskland, Portugal, Finland, Sverige, Litauen og Polen.

Spørgsmålet og svarene er stillet på engelsk. Under emnet "Customs offices - general short question for clarification" sender embedsmænd fra ministeriet følgende mail (ordret):

"Dear all ...

Sorry to interrupt but I have a small question of a general character:

Does there in your country exits customs offices placed at the internal border opened 24 hours a day

I suppose that you have such a the external border i.e. harbour and airports, but are they also such offices placed at the internal borders.

It will be nice if it is possible to have your (short) answer during today Monday 30 May 2011. It is not necessary to list them - just if there are such offices.

Best regards"

Her følger de seks landes svar:

Tyskland svarer:

"Germany has such offices"

Portugal svarer:

"Thank you for submitting your question and I will try to give you also a short answer for clarification purposes.

According to Article 4, (4d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 established the Community Customs Code (CCC), the "Customs Office of Exit" (COE) means "the customs office designated by the customs authorities in accordance with the customs rules to which goods must be presented before they leave the customs territory of the Community and at which they will be subject to customs controls relating to the completion of exit formalities, and appropriate risk-based controls.".

As you can see in the image file attached representing the location of Portuguese Customs Offices at the internal portuguese customs territory (Map of Portugal with the border with Spain), there are only 3 (named "Vila Real de Santo Antõnio", "Elvas", and, "Vilar Formoso"), and any of them are opened 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year, to perform their duties as a COE. If there are situations where it is necessary to open any of that 3 Customs Offices outside the normal hours of public attendance, it would be very specific and sporadic cases."

Finland svarer:

"Our international airport in Helsinki has 24/7 Customs. We do have 24/7 office at the internal border in Tornio, at the swedish border. However, they are doing at the same time national risk-analysis and using LIPRE-system for the whole Finland. So we dont have 24/7 only for internal border traffic."

Sverige svarer:

"No we don't have offices at internal border. We try to have customs officers at the border against Denmark 24-hours, but they belongs to the customs office in Malmoe."

Litauen svarer:

"We have 2 internal offices working 24/7 (one - railway, one - cargo). But risk tagetters, which performs manual risk analysis for all declaration work 24/7."

Polen svarer:

"I am to inform you that Poland has such customs office - eg. situated directly at the internal border with Germany (Customs Divsion in Swiecko), operating 24/7/365."


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